Co-Dependents Anonymous is a fellowship of people whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. We gather together to support and share with each other in a journey of self-discovery — learning to love the self. Living the program allows each of us to become increasingly honest with ourselves about our personal histories and our own codependent behaviors.
We rely upon the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions for knowledge and wisdom. These are the principles of our program and guides to developing honest and fulfilling relationships with ourselves and others. In CoDA, we each learn to build a bridge to a Higher Power of our own understanding, and we allow others the same privilege.
This renewal process is a gift of healing for us. By actively working the program of Co-Dependents Anonymous, we can each realize a new joy, acceptance and serenity in our lives.
Welcome! We are glad you are here.
By group conscience, Southern Nevada CoDA policies are:
In our meetings, we speak about our own experience, and we listen without comment to what others share. We work toward taking responsibility in our own lives, rather than giving advice to others. This is why crosstalk is strongly discouraged. Crosstalk guidelines help keep our meetings a safe place. For more information, please refer to the Newcomer's Handbook.
Southern Nevada CoDA Intergroup (Fellowship Service Manual of Co-Dependents Anonymous, Part 2, pp 10-11)
The Mission statement for Southern Nevada CoDA Intergroup is to be a resource and support system for individual meetings throughout the Southern Nevada area and to send a delegate to the annual CoDA Service Conference.
Meeting Info:
In light of the recent social distancing restrictions, Southern Nevada CoDA has created a Facebook Group. If you are interested, please go to the SouthernNVCoDA Facebook Group and join.
NOTE: Contact individual meetings to verify day, time and location of meetings.
Southern Nevada CoDA Intergroup Meeting:
Usually meets the second Saturday of each month. Call 702.706.CODA (2632) to confirm date if there is a holiday that week or weekend.
Location: Zoom Conference via phone, laptop or tablet:
Meeting ID: 883 8845 9033
10:00am to 12:00pm Pacific
Southern Nevada CoDA Intergroup:
Chair:    Vacant - Rotating position until permanently filled*
Secretary:    Gail S. - Temporary*
Treasurer:    Carmen W.
Outreach & Information (O&I):    Vacant*
Hospitals & Institutions (H&I):    Vacant*
* Trusted Servants are needed to fill these positions. Service work can be very fufilling. Please reach out to volunteer: or 702.706.CODA (2632)
CoDA Intergoups are area-wide groups that may elect their own officers to see that area-wide service functions get done. The Group Conscience of the individual groups is carried to the community group by the Group Service Representative (GSR). Typical functions of Intergroup may include publishing area meeting lists, manning CoDA information phone lines, and organizing area-wide picnics and conferences.
Southern NV Intergroup:
Any CoDA member is welcome and encouraged to attend Intergroup's monthly meeting. Meetings are scheduled for the second Saturday of the month and are conducted on Zoom conferencing which is available via mobile phone, laptop or tablet.
Please consider becoming part of Intergroup either as an officer, a GSR for your local meeting or volunteering to assist in one of the committees.
If you are interested or would like additional information, please join us for our next meeting or send an email to:
Resources that CoDA Groups may find useful:
The Twelve Steps
The Twelve Traditions
The Twelve Service Concepts
Welcome (short version)
Welcome (long version)
Patterns of Codependence
Patterns of Recovery
Opening Prayer
Closing Prayer
Serenity Prayer
Meeting Handbook (part 2 of the Fellowship Service Manual)
The Fellowship Service Manual (FSM) is now divided into 5 sections. You can download them from here
Outreach and Information Committee Purpose:
The Outreach Committee is a group of actively recovering codependents whose focus is on carrying the message to codependents who still suffer. We provide information to members and groups who seek to reach out to codependents outside of CoDA, focusing on attraction, not promotion. We also facilitate the sharing of information within CoDA, providing guidelines, templates, and examples of Outreach activities.
As stated in Tradition 5, “Each group has but one primary purpose – to carry its message to the codependent who still suffers.” “Outreach” is the term used for many of the ways to carry the message of recovery, by reaching out to others, sharing our recoveries, and supporting one another.
A Trusted Servant is needed for outreach to continue. Service work can be very fufilling. Please reach out to volunteer: or 702.706.CODA (2632)
Practicing the 12 Traditions in service work:
It is important to remember that "without all of us participating and giving of ourselves in some way through service work, CoDA cannot survive." H&I service work is one way we can serve and grow in our recovery.
Hospitals and Institutions Handbook
More information is available here
What is a CoDA Meeting?
Attending meetings is necessary for recovery in the CoDA program. A codependent attends meetings for his/her personal recovery, and this attendance benefits everyone, its what creates the group. At meetings, we share our experience, strength, and hope in our program of recovery.
What is a Step Study Meeting?
These meetings are designed to work the Steps together as a group of recovering codependents.
What is a Closed Meeting?
Meetings attended only by people who are codependent or think they may be codependent. Newcomers who think they may be codependent can attend a closed meeting.
Are all meetings CoEd?
No. There are some meetings that are females only. The meeting should be identified as a "women's only" meeting. If you are unsure, ask the meeting contact.
Is CoDA only in the United States?
No CoDA meetings can be found World-wide.
What if I need a meeting but can't get to one?
There are zoom and phone meetings listed on the website.
God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference.